Strategic Goals 2024-2026

William Bonifas Fine Arts Center enhances and inspires the cultural and creative life of the community.

Every community member is touched by the arts.

Strategic Priorities:

  1. Strengthen revenues and fundraising capacity to ensure long-term sustainability
  2. Evaluate our marketing plan that builds awareness and drives participation
  3. Develop arts programming to cultivate and sustain community engagement
  4. Optimize our facility for long term functionality
  5. Foster a quality work environment for our staff, contractors, and volunteers
Strategic Priority 1: Strengthen revenues and fundraising capacity to ensure long-term sustainability
  1. Create a fund development plan that outlines growing revenue opportunities
    1. Identify and cultivate relationships with current and potential donors and sponsors
    2. Deliver membership campaigns that increase members and donors
    3. Pursue new grant opportunities
    4. Ensure the programs are competitively priced and cost efficient
    5. Streamline the fundraising cycle
    6. Create a legacy endowment
  2. Implement capital campaign for 50th anniversary
    1. Identify donors for capital improvement restoration/renovation of building
    2. Implement a binder for donors with our need/wish list
  3. Explore opportunities to increase theater revenues
    1. Review theater rental pricing to ensure competitiveness.
    2. Share financial responsibility for capital projects with Players de Noc
    3. Explore other theater rental opportunities
Strategic Priority 2: Evaluate our marketing plan that builds awareness and drives participation
  1. Continue to refine our marketing strategies to ensure messaging is geared to each persona/marketing segment 
  2. Increase public awareness of the Bonifas in the area of under-engaged segments of our population
    1. Redefine the Bonifas brand, create a brand plan and content tone for messaging
      1. Bonifas is inclusive, fun and accessible
      2. There is something for everyone!
      3. We are here to inspire, educate and entertain!
    2. Choose appropriate marketing tactic (messaging) and appropriate channels for each persona.
  3. Fully utilize our customer Relation Management (CRM) system to manage member, donor, and sponsor information,
    virtual events, auctions, and sponsorship campaigns
Strategic Priority 3: Develop arts programming to cultivate and sustain community engagement
  1. Exhibits:
    1. Increase the engagement of our visitors by increasing the interactivity of our exhibits
    2. Curate an exhibit that highlights or focuses on regional culture or history
    3. Cooperate with community stakeholders and organizations to engage and showcase exhibits
    4. Create and implement policies and programs that leverage on our permanent collection
    5. Fund humidity-controlled storage for permanent collection, art restoration (framing/matting)
  2. Education:
    1. Ensure that educational programming offerings respond to the market demand
    2. Recruit new instructors to offer modern, popular classes to increase participation
    3. Expand outreach to surrounding communities in the Central Upper Peninsula
    4. Increase relations with local and regional schools, assisted living facilities, non-profit entities, and Veterans Administration
  3. Events:
    1. Refocus main events to reflect current preferences
    2. Utilize our 50th anniversary year for new events (5K, Ladies Tea)
    3. Experiment with events that acquaint the community with the Bonifas
  4. Collaborate with area organizations to deliver community programming.
Strategic Priority 4: Optimize our facility for long term functionality
  1. Deliver a plan for the long term improvement of the building as a foundation for the capital campaign
    1. Ensure the high risk and priority projects are managed and mitigated
    2. Finalize the building proposal/funds request to local foundations
Strategic Priority 5: Foster a quality work environment for our staff, contractors, and volunteers
  1. Train and develop the staff based on annual succession planning reviews                                                                                                                                                                               i. Maintain work Flow documents for each staff member                                                                                                                                                                                                       ii. Provide opportunities for professional development    
  2. Cross-train staff for flexibility
  3. Enhance and improve the quality of our volunteer program
    1. Create a documented, systematic, accountable Volunteer Program – for recruitment, orientation, training, assignments, and recognition
    2. Increase the numbers of our volunteers
Bonifas Arts Center